News: Latest

  • News from the NDAs

    5 December 2018

    The Danish Dental Association has a new chairman and the Turkish Dental Association a new board. See attaches documents.

  • ERO News 17

    3 December 2018

    Dear Friends, Please find the latest ERO Newsletter. With kind regards, Dr. Anna Lella Präsident ERO-FDI

  • ERO News 15

    30 August 2018

    Dear ERO Friends, Please find here some News about the European Regional Organization of FDI. Kind regards, Anna Lella, president

  • ERO News 14

    20 December 2017

    Dear Friends This is this year's last ERO News. Best wishes from the president, the board members and the secretariat.

  • ERO News 13

    6 October 2017

    Autunm is here and the ERO News 13. Have a look!

  • ERO News 12

    15 September 2017

    Here are the ERO News 12 with best regards from Dr. Anna Lella, President ERO/FDI

  • ERO News 11

    25 July 2017

    With this ERO Newsletter we wish you a wonderful summertime! Kind regards. Anna Lella President ERO

  • ERO News 10

    12 June 2017

    Please find here the ERO News 10. With best regards from the ERO president, Dr. Anna Lella.

  • ERO News 9

    22 December 2016

    With the best seasons's greetings and wishes for a peaceful 2017 find enclosed the ERO News No. 9.

  • ERO News 8

    2 December 2016

    Please find here the ERO News No. 8