News: Latest

  • ERO News 3

    7 July 2014

    Dear Colleagues, It's time for News! I wish you a nice and sunny summer and look forward to seeing you in India! Kind regards, Phlippe Rusca

  • ERO News 2

    22 December 2013

    Dear Colleagues, End of the year - time to look back! Please find here the "ERO News 2". I wish you and your families merry Chrstimas and a healthy and happy New Year! Kind regards, Philippe Rusca

  • ERO News 1

    28 June 2013

    Dear Colleagues, Approximately two months have passed, since I took over the position of ERO president. First of all I congratulate the 2 new board members, Hans Schrangl and Taner Yücel and wish them a warm welcome among the “old” members.

  • ERO Communications V

    16 April 2013

    President’s Review and Gratitude Dear colleagues, it is my pleasure to present the fifth and last issue of the ERO Communicator for this mandate. With the Communicator a new layout has been introduced. Liberal dentistry, as defined in Article III point 8.

  • ERO Communications IV

    1 July 2012

    President’s Welcome Dear colleagues, it is my pleasure to present this issue of the ERO Communications right before the holidays and before our next meeting in Hong Kong at the end of August. ERO has had a marvellous frame for its Spring Plenary session 2012 in Prague.

  • ERO Communications III

    1 December 2011

    President’s WelcomeDear colleagues, time for the last issue in 2011 of ERO Communications has come. After the Plenary session in Mexico City the Working groups have continued their work as defined.

  • ERO Communications I

    1 February 2011

    Dear colleagues, the ERO Communications substitute the ERO Newsletter and shall help to give our members an insight into their Organization’s work and development of activities in the Board and in the Working groups.