News: Latest

  • ERO News 12

    15 September 2017

    Here are the ERO News 12 with best regards from Dr. Anna Lella, President ERO/FDI

  • ERO News 11

    25 July 2017

    With this ERO Newsletter we wish you a wonderful summertime! Kind regards. Anna Lella President ERO

  • ERO News 10

    12 June 2017

    Please find here the ERO News 10. With best regards from the ERO president, Dr. Anna Lella.

  • ERO News 9

    22 December 2016

    With the best seasons's greetings and wishes for a peaceful 2017 find enclosed the ERO News No. 9.

  • ERO News 8

    2 December 2016

    Please find here the ERO News No. 8

  • ERO NEWS 7

    4 July 2016

    Dear Colleagues, The new ERO Board has taken up its work. Enclosed please find the ERO News No. 7 Kind regards, Anna Lella

  • Anna Lella is the new ERO President

    2 May 2016

    At the plenary session of 29/30 April 2016 Dr. Anna Lella from Poland has been elected - as the first woman - president of ERO. She succeeds Dr. Philippe Rusca (Switzerland) in this function. Dr. Michael Frank (Germany) is the new President elect, Dr.

  • ERO News 6

    17 December 2015

    Dear Friends, Enclosed please find the ERO News No. 6. Kind regards, Philippe Rusca

  • ERO News 5

    22 July 2015

    Dear Friends, Just before summer break there are some News - have a look! Kind regards, Philippe Rusca - ERO President

  • ERO News 4

    20 December 2014

    Dear Colleagues, Please find the ERO News No. 4! Kind regards, Phlippe Rusca


    20 July 2014

    2014 the European Regional Organization of FDI is celebrating ist 50 anniversary! \nHere is our publication to this important event!